If you are not taking care of your customers, your competition will.
In today’s society I’m often surprised at how little emphasis is placed on “personalized” customer service. The term “customer service” has become a cliché and it seems merchants are missing the mark when it comes to hiring the right staff that build strong personal relationships with clientele and understand the importance of positive energy in the workplace.
A company is only as good as the people they employ. Employees are a company’s greatest asset or the biggest liability…
I recently read a great article on the subject by Susan Ward. “Acumen Research group surveyed more that 1,000 Canadian retail, banking and telco customers to determine what made them behave loyally and what made them leave long term-relationships: 43% of respondents abandoned a provider to which they declared themselves loyal because of a negative experience with a staff person, and 30 % reported that having the feeling they are not treated as a valued customer by the staff has been the main reason for taking their business elsewhere. (“Keep Them Coming Back” by Joan A. Pajunen in Canadian Retailer)”.
Can you afford to lose a customer?
For the full article, click here.
Janis Gall