
MLA Canada’s preventative COVID-19 measures

March 13, 2020

As the COVID-19 concerns continue to escalate so does our social responsibility. At MLA Canada we have continued to monitor the situation and have updated our work policies to ensure our team members and all those we work with are informed and protected as much as possible.

As of Monday March 16, 2020 we are introducing additional preventative measures:

  • We request all client/vendor meetings to be held utilizing Zoom conferencing and any MLA Staff member can assist in setting this up.
  • We will be moving to a remote working office until further notice. Our staff has been advised to take advantage of this remote working approach for additional risk mitigation and are encouraging social distancing outside of the home.
  • MLA Canada staff who travel outside of the province will be required to use Zoom conferencing for 14 days upon their return, and we highly encourage others to take the same approach with self-imposed quarantine as directed by provincial or federal authorities.
  • All of our presentation centres will be available by appointment to reduce size of gatherings and ensure cleanliness of our spaces between appointments. Additional cleaning supplies and services have also been enforced for added safety. Please visit our projects page for individual presentation centre contact information.

MLA Canada is committed to our clients, purchasers, staff and Vendors and will still be operating and available to ensure our services are uninterrupted. We will continue to monitor the situation closely as we know many of you are and continue to provide updates. We thank everyone for their patience, understanding and commitment to a healthy and safe environment.

As a general reminder and as advised by the Public Health Authority of Canada:

Anyone exhibiting any of the reported symptoms of infection such as fever or trouble breathing, should consult with a doctor immediately and remain in self-imposed quarantine utilizing Zoom conferencing as much as possible for anything that is needed, including remote working among our staff.

If you don’t exhibit any of the reported symptoms but have been in direct contact with an individual who is symptomatic, you are strongly advised to consult a healthcare provider immediately and to remain in self-imposed quarantine using Zoom conferencing as much as possible.

Please contact your MLA Canada representative with any questions or concerns.