The nice things about being in the business of marketing and selling real estate is the reality that our expanding population will continue to need homes in which to live.
The City of Vancouver’s history of consistent population growth is a reflection of the appeal of the unique west coast living found here. Since the end of the Second World War, the City has grown steadily by 15 percent every 10 years with the exception of a downturn in the early 1980s.
Vancouver is set to grow another 15 percent by 2011 and 6 percent by 2021. If these projections are true, a major planning challenge for the City will be where to put the next 120,000 new Vancouverites in the next 12 years.
With the new laneway housing initiative and an already entrenched urban densification mindset in place, the future for available condominium inventory to sell in the city is promising.
Happy selling!
Cameron McNeill
The Future of Growth
November 17, 2009