Pre-Sales - Can it Work in 2009
15 years

Well it already has! On March 17th, MAC sold pre-sold all remaining condos in the Beasley project in Downtown Vancouver (over 100 sales in just a couple of weeks). And the market will see more (albeit only a few) successful pre-sale efforts in 2009.

Profile - The 2009 Investor
15 years

In Marketing 101 you learn about the most basic yet most important factor when selling any product in any industry - target market. Knowing who will buy your product and catering to their needs and desires should direct every decision you make.

The Future of Growth
15 years

The nice things about being in the business of marketing and selling real estate is the reality that our expanding population will continue to need homes in which to live.

Olympic Village
14 years

A great deal of ink has hit newsprint of late regarding South East False Creek and Olympic Village. Some of it very positive, some of it very negative.